sâmbătă, 8 mai 2010

How To Make Start Menu Icons Smaller In Windows 7

One of the first things that I do after installing Windows 7 is change the default large size of icons in Start menu. As you may have observed, by default, recently used programs in Start menu appear with large icons.

 make Start Menu Icons Smaller In Windows 7 guide1

Changing the size of icons in Start menu is a cake walk. By changing the icons size to smaller, you can view more recently used programs in the list. You can also organize your installed programs in Start menu by referring our how to manually organize Start menu programs in Windows 7 guide.


How to make Windows 7 Start menu icons smaller:

1. Right-click on Start menu and select Properties.

 Make Start Menu Icons Smaller

2. Under Start menu tab, click Customize button to open Customize Start Menu dialog-box.

 Make Start Menu Icons Smaller in Windows 7

3. Scroll down the list to see Use large icons option.

 Make Start Menu Icons Smaller in Windows 7 guide

4. Uncheck the option and click Ok button to see small icons in Start menu.


5. Enjoy Windows 7!

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