miercuri, 28 aprilie 2010

How to Activate GodMode in Windows 7

Want to activate GodMode in Windows 7? Here's how!

Windows 7 users are all abuzz about the OS and its GodMode. If you haven't heard of it, GodMode is a feature that was revealed by CNet's Microsoft Correspondent, Ina Fried. GodMode is a folder that brings together a long list of customization settings allowing you to change all your settings from one place. Neat huh? It's very easy to enable and damn useful if you tweak things around a lot.

I've broken it down into five-step process to avoid confusion:

Step 1: Right click.

Step 2: Click create folder.

Step 3: Name your sparkly, new folder this, "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" and press enter.

Step 4: Blink as the folder changes form to look like the control panel.

Step 5: Open the folder and bask in all your godly, control panel-y power.


Hit up CNet for an instructional video.

Download Windows 7 Tips & Tricks Guide From Microsoft

We have already covered many interesting and useful Windows 7 related guides in our must read Windows 7 guides and must watch Window 7 videos posts. Here is yet another guide from Microsoft named Windows 7 Tips & Tricks.

Windows 7 Tips & Tricks

As the name suggests, Windows 7 Tips & Tricks covers many interesting Windows 7 tips that improve your productivity by familiarizing yourself with some of the enhancements that are new in Windows 7.


A total of 14 tips are waiting for you in this guide: Change the scenery, Crunch the numbers, Smart printing, Shake it up, Clean your desktop and order it too with keyboard shortcut, new right-click features, unveil your hidden drives, pin folders to start menu, double-up your Windows, clean, crisp display, order and reason for your taskbar, taskbar traversing, bitlocker to go protection, and Windows troubleshooting platform.

Download Windows 7 Tips & Tricks

How To Make Bootable USB

Having a bootable USB is very essential, especially if you are a Netbook user. Using bootable USB to install an operating system (OS) not only makes the installation faster, but also saves a DVD.

Creating or using an USB drive to install Windows operating systems is very easy if you follow the below mentioned steps.

bootable usb drive

If you are planning to use bootable USB to install Windows 7 or Vista please refer our guides:

Install Windows 7/Vista using bootable USB guide

And also, you can refer install Windows 7 on Acer Aspire One guide

Coming back to bootable USB guide, here we assume that you are using either Vista or Windows 7 to create a bootable USB.

1. Insert your USB (4GB+ preferable) stick to the system and backup all the data from the USB as we are going to format the USB to make it as bootable.

2. Open elevated Command Prompt. To do this, type in CMD in Start menu search field and hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter. Alternatively, navigate to Start > All programs >Accessories > right click on Command Prompt and select run as administrator.

3. When the Command Prompt opens, enter the following command:

DISKPART and hit enter.

LIST DISK and hit enter.

Once you enter the LIST DISK command, it will show the disk number of your USB drive. In the below image my USB drive disk no is Disk 1.

4. In this step you need to enter all the below commands one by one and hit enter. As these commands are self explanatory, you can easily guess what these commands do.

SELECT DISK 1 (Replace DISK 1 with your disk number)






(Format process may take few seconds)



Bootable USB

Don’t close the command prompt as we need to execute one more command at the next step. Just minimize it.

5. Insert your Windows DVD in the optical drive and note down the drive letter of the optical drive and USB media. Here I use “D” as my optical (DVD) drive letter and “H” as my USB drive letter.

6. Go back to command prompt and execute the following commands:

D:CD BOOT and hit enter. Where “D” is your DVD drive letter.

CD BOOT and hit enter to see the below message.


(Where “H” is your USB drive letter)

USB Bootable

7. Copy Windows DVD contents to USB.

You are done with your bootable USB. You can now use this bootable USB as bootable DVD on any computer that comes with USB boot feature (most of the current motherboards support this feature).

Note that this bootable USB guide will not work if you are trying to make a bootable USB on XP computer.

Download Free Chapters From Microsoft Press Books About Windows 7

Microsoft has been releasing many whitepapers and videos to educate the end-user about its latest operating system Windows 7.

Microsoft will be announcing quite a few Windows 7 related books such Windows 7 Resource Kit, Windows 7 Inside Out, and Windows 7 Step-by-Step, in coming days. If you are a novice Windows 7 user, and want to learn each and every feature of Windows 7, these books will certainly help you to step-up your knowledge.


Microsoft is providing parts (read it as chapters) of these soon to be published press books for free. Available chapters:

Book: Windows 7 inside out
* Performing Routine Maintenance in Windows 7

Book: Windows 7 resource kit:
* Support users & remote assistance
* Deploying IPV6

Book: Windows 7 step by step:
* Navigate Windows and folders
* Explorer Windows 7

Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool

Va mai aduceti aminte probabil de cea mai simpla metoda de instalare a Windows 7 de pe USB. Metoda avea la baza o aplicatie creata de un programator entuziast si nu era complet cizelata sau lipsita de bug-uri (dezvoltarea ei ulterioara nefiind o prioritate). Astazi, am descoperit o aplicatie care face acelasi lucru (creeaza cu ajutorul unei imagini ISO a Windows 7 un USB/DVD bootabil), dar este creata de Microsoft ( lucru ce ma face sa ma gandesc daca nu cumva in viitorul apropiat vom putea cumpara stick-uri Windows 7).

Aplicatia poarta numele de “Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool” si arata ca in imaginea de mai jos:


Bineinteles, functionalitatea este asemanatoare cu cea a USB Windows Boot Tool, fiind necesari doar 4 pasi pana la finalizarea procesului de creare a unui USB/DVD bootabil cu Windows 7. (stick-ul USB trebuie sa aiba minim 4GB, iar calculatorul trebuia sa aiba minim versiunea 2.0 a .NET Framework).

Pentru a descarca aplicatia (gratuita de altfel), folositi cu incredere link-ul de mai jos:

Download Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool


How To Install Language Pack In Windows 7 Home Premium

One of the advantages of Windows 7 Enterprise and Ultimate editions over other editions is that they allow you install Language Interface Packs so that you can change the language Windows uses to display text in menus, wizards, windows and other items.

Download and install Windows 7 language packs

Recently we showed you how to install language packs in Windows 7. But the guide doesn’t work for Home Premium edition. In this guide, we will show you how to install language pack in Windows 7 Home Premium edition.

1. Download Vistalizator and also your language interface pack from here.

2. Run Vistalizator (doesn’t require installation) to see the main screen of the application. Here you can see your Windows 7 edition and the default OS language.

Install language pack in Windows 7 Home Premium

3. Click Add languages button and browse to the language pack that you have downloaded in the first step and click Open to start installing the language pack. If you see any warnings, simply click Ok.

Install language pack in Windows 7 Home Premium

Installing Language Pack in Windows 7 Home Premium

how to install language pack in Windows 7 Home Premium Install language pack in Windows 7 Home Premium

install language pack in Windows 7 Home Premium  edition

4. Once the language pack is installed, you will be given option to set the new language as the active one.

install language pack in Windows 7 Home Premium version

5. To switch between current and default languages, run Vistalizator, select the language and click Change language button.

Install Language pack in Windows 7 Home Premium edition1

Please note that Vistalizator doesn’t work Windows 7 Release Candidate build.

Download Vistalizator For Windows 7

It’s a well known fact that users with Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium or Professional editions are not allowed to download and install language packs by default. Only Enterprise and Ultimate editions’ users are eligible to install language packs.

 Download Vistalizator For Windows 7

Vistalizator is a small tool for Windows that makes it possible to install language packs in all editions of Windows 7 with ease. The tool is extremely simple and easy-to-use. Vistalizator is a portable application for Windows Vista and Windows 7, which means it doesn’t require installation. Other than that, you can switch between installed languages with a simple click as well.


If you are a Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium or Professional edition user, this is a useful download for you.


Download Vistalizator for Windows 7

How to Control Device Drivers Automatic Installation in Windows 7

Windows 7 makes many things easier to work with than previous Windows versions of the operating system, But sometimes it can perform quite aggressively when it comes to detecting, downloading, and installing device drivers for newly discovered hardware. Sometimes this can be a problem.

Windows 7 users may prefer to install device drivers manually and would prefer that the operating system not interact automatically with the new devices. As a matter of fact there are some options you can use to prevent Windows 7 from dowing this.

Start by clicking on Start>Control Panel>Hardware and Sound>Devices and Printers.

Control Panel

Select the option showing in the image. Then you will get the following screen.

Select the PC

This window contains multiple icons that represent the devices that are connected and available to your PC. They include the monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, external storage disks.

So next you must locate the icon which represents your computer. The name of your computer is not My Computer but the actual individual name of your computer, which appears on a network.

Next select the  device installation settings, as shown below.

Device Installation Settings

Next select the appropriate options from the device driver screen.

Device Driver Installation Options

Here users have three options to select from. Option number one allows Windows 7 to always install the best driver from Windows Update operation. If you want Windows to go to Windows Update and download and install a driver whenever a new device is detected this is the option to take.

Now option number two is more conservative. Windows 7 will first take any local driver that is on your computer and install that before going to Windows Update to search for a useable driver,to download, and instal.

Finally option number three is the most conservative. Select this one if you want to prevent Windows 7 from automatically downloading and installing the device drivers or if you always want to manually install drivers yourself.

Instalati Windows 7 (Vista / Server 2008) de pe un stick USB – cea mai usoara metoda!

Exista multe tutoriale pentru instalarea Windows-ului de pe un USB stick. Am vrut sa scriu la un moment dat unul, dar vazand cate sunt, si ca toate erau de fapt unul, m-am decis sa nu o fac. Asa ca va voi oferi cea mai simpla metoda de a realiza ceea ce vechile tutoriale incercau in foarte multi pasi.

Este vorba de un program care este aparut doar de cateva zile pe internet si care a fost creat special pentru site-ul AskVG.com.

Programul transforma stick-ul USB intr-un drive boot-abil de pe care puteti instala Windows Vista, Server 2008 sau Windows 7.

Motivele pentru a face o astfel de instalare sunt numeroase:

- vreti sa instalati Windows pe un netbook (acestea nu au DVD drive)

- vreti sa instalati un nou build al Windows 7 si v-at saturat sa ardeti un DVD de fiecare data.

- un prieten va cere un DVD cu windows-ul, dar nu il aveti la indemana, si nici nu aveti vreun DVD nescris prin casa.


Acum incepe partea care va intereseaza.

Aveti nevoie de:

- un stick USB de minim 4GB

- imaginea ISO sau DVD-ul Windows Vista , Server 2008 sau Windows 7 

- Windows XP (SP 2 sau SP3), Vista (SP1 sau SP2), Server 2008 sau Windows 7 instalat pe calculatorul dumneavoastra.

O data ce ati bifat toate cele de mai sus, descarcati aplicatia folosind link-ul urmator:

Download USB Windows Boot Tool

Este o aplicatie portabila, deci nu necesita instalare. Executati aceasta aplicatie si selectati casuta de acceptare a termenilor si conditiilor (I have read and accepted the following License Agreement). Acum apasati OK pentru a lansa aplicatia.

bootable USB drive Tool

Pasii necesari pentru folosirea aplicatiei sunt urmatorii:

- verificati daca drive-ul USB apare in My Computer

- formatati drive-ul USB

- alegeti DVD-ul sau imaginea ISO a sistemului de operare dorit.

- porniti procesul de creare a unui drive USB bootabil

Dupa ce procesul s-a incheiat, tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a instala sistemul de operare de pe stick este sa selectati din BIOS ca USB drive-ul sa fie “Primary Boot Device”

Nota: aplicatia poate fi executata si pe sistemele de operare pe 64 biti.

Update: Ovius ne ofera o alternativa pentru instalarea Windows 7 de pe un stick USB. Articolul lui este desfasurat in continuare. Il recomand mai ales celor care nu reusesc instalarea folosind programul de mai sus.

Cum sa instalezi windows 7 de pe un stick USB.

Mereu am incercat sa imi instalez Windows-ul cat mai rapid. Cu aceasta metoda recent descoperita am rezolvat insa mai multe probleme decat ma asteptam:

1. S-a instalat windows-ul (7 build 7231 pe 32 bits) mult mai rapid – aproximativ 15 -16 minute

2. De asemenea instalarea s-a desfasurat in conditii de foarte multa liniste ( nu am mai auzit turbina de DVD Writter)

3. Am scapat de patea cu scoate discu ala, baga discul celalalt, si tot asa pana imi copiez sau imi instalez tot ce vreau pe laptop (si credeti-ma sunt destule…winking. Pe acelasi stick (de 8 Gb) am atat windows-ul cat si 98% din kiturile necesare.

Dupa aceasta introducere o sa va explic ce am facut si ce softuri am folosit.

1. Pentru formatarea stick-ului am folosit HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool (v2.0.6) http://www.bootdisk.com/plan040109/hpflash1.zip. Neaparat stickul trebuit formatat in FAT32. In afara de selectia cu tipul formatarii nu am mai bifat nimic. Vezi foto 1.

Windows 7 USB boot

2. Am incarcat imaginea de Windows (format .nrg sau .iso) de pe hard disk in unitatea dvd virtuala. Pentru asta am folosit Ultra Iso Premium Edition versiunea 9.3.3 – se impaca foarte bine cu Windows 7 .

Windows 7 USB boot Windows 7 USB boot

3. Am copiat toate directoarele de pe dvd direct pe stick. Asteptarea a durat cam 7 minute…dar a meritat. Cat a durat sa imi copiez restul de kituri nu se pune la socoteala.

4. Un ultim pas (faculativ din punctul meu de vedere) a fost constituit de redenumirea fisierului „BOOTMGR” in „NTLDR”. La mine a functionat cu ambele denumiri.

Windows 7 USB boot


Ca sa puteti instala windows-ul de pe un stick trebuie sa aveti in BIOS optiunea de boot-are de pe USB. Atentie foarte mare nu bifati USB-ul ca prima optiune de boot-are. Daca aveti posibilitatea selectati optiunea de a va alege de pe ce mediu sa boot-eze la fiecare pornire a PC-ului. Doar la inceputul instalarii lasati sa boot-eze de pe USB, in rest recomandarea mea este sa alegeti hard diskul.

Download Windows 7 MUI Language Packs (Official 32-bit and 64-bit Direct Download Links)

Microsoft has released MUI (Multilingual User Interface) language packs for Windows 7 RTM. The Windows 7 language packs is available via Windows Update as optional update for Windows 7 Ultimate and Enterprise editions only.

According to Springboard Series blog, all language packs, except Traditional Chinese for Taiwan for Windows 7, for both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) versions is now available for free download. Windows 7 RTM x86 and x65 MUI language packs in DVD ISO format were leaked earlier from MSDN and TechNet Subscriber Downloads. User who prefers to download all language packs for Windows 7 via BitTorrent (BT), torrent is available for the MSND or TechNet DVD ISO versions.

Do take note that if too many additional language packs are installed, the disk space and system performance can be affected. In particular, disk space and system performance are affected during servicing operations, such as Service Pack installations, according to KB972813. Therefore, it’s recommended to only add a language pack to computer only if the language will be used.

Windows Update will always display all language packs that are available. Any unwanted language packs can be made hidden in Windows Update. To hide unwanted language packs in Windows Update, click on the Windows 7 Ultimate Language Packs category (to highlight and hide all remaining language packs) or click on and highlight individual language pack (to hide language packs one by one) in the Select the updates you want to install page, and then right-click the highlighted updates, and then select Hide update.

User who wants to download the MUI language packs for Windows 7 only from official source, here’s the direct download links for both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) Windows 7 MUI language packs from Microsoft’s Windows Update server.

Download Official 32-bit (x86) Windows 7 RTM MUI Language Packs

Arabic: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-ar-sa_210ccc96338a1ff683803eb4034e5f53d6d54c97.exe

Bulgarian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-bg-bg_2e5d91b00775e0f974d4ec213fc20d470ff6850e.exe

Chinese (Simplified): windows6.1-kb972813-x86-zh-cn_ab024143b556395e6638e26712b1e0f3bc031fcf.exe

Chinese (Traditional): windows6.1-kb972813-x86-zh-hk_90617b75cfaab716a43e7c082b00490a6d475376.exe

Croatian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-hr-hr_d8a4131aee5d5de039a3a0dc517ca0c07ebc3472.exe

Czech: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-cs-cz_2759680ec6e2f4a7629c7d02b1fbce0a0d410a4e.exe

Danish: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-da-dk_e1c57a4dcbd336ac73e349a9bb9d30de17ac093f.exe

Dutch: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-nl-nl_194a2ca7b589e77b0be73b822f77760823183c51.exe

English: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-en-us_22ee3397a02372681b375ddabf6ffa33662fd500.exe

Estonia: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-et-ee_3a99769fac5d6a11e6616297f842a9074c045699.exe

Finnish: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-fi-fi_dd1973cc63ab7dea0e5d660af06869a8beefe36a.exe

French: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-fr-fr_1878fd391b990054787a14b0db4a5db00b793bf1.exe

German: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-de-de_1b86ff9b8f4c517dd341d76f24c74399278b05fc.exe

Greek: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-el-gr_1f366d5e4fbde7df89b106821236fc1d3b3c9230.exe

Hebrew: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-he-il_a3d6a6ae858f33ffa11a14c2a966e6603c134ef9.exe

Hungarian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-hu-hu_12feb47da4bb28f60b6a30d379044356581c20f8.exe

Italian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-it-it_079a3afeb88f14d24a3b4204812225e78c2e0bb8.exe

Japanese: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-ja-jp_08758c23cc64a53949072d53dd7bf6bbc8b45420.exe

Korean: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-ko-kr_bb2de1652c37394be4de87438661b129f8b56908.exe

Latvian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-lv-lv_8b7a0b361dd37f7cd3926f798a79a90d378b18b2.exe

Lithuanian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-lt-lt_7aee9ce232cb46701f479fafdb0aea369ce1ad6a.exe

Norwegian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-nb-no_d65ea89195cf5f7d3170ccb1db7bae3c157f5b24.exe

Polish: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-pl-pl_9199018040692bc732a590e9b092a18120d326b2.exe

Portuguese (Brazil): windows6.1-kb972813-x86-pt-br_0a3fe79820d6d199dd43495d4efa5c40f270e45a.exe

Portuguese (Portugal): windows6.1-kb972813-x86-pt-pt_4165bd9cd083abd8ddd81986e18b1fd86aab5ce9.exe

Romanian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-ro-ro_e1c324236046eb608e478570cf4396776ff02a72.exe

Russian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-ru-ru_f4df4bcb8d3194323f17a086a17f46dd0c9c492a.exe

Serbian (Latin): windows6.1-kb972813-x86-sr-latn-cs_6e049bae4d75b82405b28455e2def0a0d0055a9c.exe

Slovak: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-sk-sk_dd2ce36a7e94fceff650cb892b8c954b8af6025a.exe

Slovenian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-sl-si_17786270766d556ba9bf3693762cb98805df9f50.exe

Spanish: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-es-es_1943a073d8f00e387301deb22cd177bf77319ee8.exe

Swedish: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-sv-se_687085e8bbdf9c17a668b801f28f7f9c74e7a86a.exe

Thai: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-th-th_780885dd42c039d9926ac004c76ba3ba9c30c6d0.exe

Turkish: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-tr-tr_13015cb75811f874c83fdd679beb4c22c930a57c.exe

Ukrainian: windows6.1-kb972813-x86-uk-ua_0a467bf14bc4f524c18877f570a20c58e91ceba9.exe

Download Official 64-bit (x64) Windows 7 RTM MUI Language Packs

Arabic: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-ar-sa_aaac936bd625c12b607dffea19fab8be9cfa28f6.exe

Bulgarian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-bg-bg_155634f17868659db4b65cfeff57059b2436515f.exe

Chinese (Simplified): windows6.1-kb972813-x64-zh-cn_a649e9af1e28514d48bdc51f7956be08060e54bc.exe

Chinese (Traditional): windows6.1-kb972813-x64-zh-hk_d428bc1cca4aea20163936e6687221c0e6b99ec4.exe

Croatian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-hr-hr_06468f799a1c1f295bc3abbc85c14116e2645122.exe

Czech: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-cs-cz_f136df3188c54ff234ca77253fee2cf3e91966b7.exe

Danish: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-da-dk_2b7590d389ca96af6f367408150cb6bc9aa8f4b4.exe

Dutch: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-nl-nl_2ac14543f6e46c61ae226d7f0f5aee7f4d500e9f.exe

English: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-en-us_483a3e51038f1a369bc5b5cdf5fc32df3ea4ad27.exe

Estonian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-et-ee_3c0479d7049109bcb42fd9ec59d1c65449704687.exe

Finnish: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-fi-fi_4378f72d1233b00e2bdfc680a13f62ae11ab0fcb.exe

French: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-fr-fr_0e50cd2ea794e4cdfac861b194d2e996b7bbc8d8.exe

German: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-de-de_399ac15b2d55fd5dea0770d98825d7e75f4ad533.exe

Greek: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-el-gr_9ae588ba70896f9100a10cb8ed68a79678d6fc32.exe

Hebrew: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-he-il_86c22105bb32269c9c0deaf2710fcb1531a29817.exe

Hungarian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-hu-hu_e5c47bffe398b9ace42d4326de2646a6172d39b5.exe

Italian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-it-it_3f0f5d78202e074e17a495beec821e1d326a8e2a.exe

Japanese: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-ja-jp_9d73b1c1270deacbe7a2329559476a94daddb848.exe

Korean: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-ko-kr_e6b3322c3865cfd328d84376e192c4f9d41aa0e6.exe

Latvian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-lv-lv_70c1f8bda213f20aea07e46a6c9ed976f0d151ce.exe

Lithuanian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-lt-lt_ede5a878aae2b0d64e81ff739e950b6f105df580.exe

Norwegian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-nb-no_1b7f93a0906a62eecd6b200979f8df986a7556f1.exe

Polish: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-pl-pl_6b228326c2f7ef6406242671600b499746ff3454.exe

Portuguese (Brazil): windows6.1-kb972813-x64-pt-br_276b65f3b6b2657c8fe936f9841dc1243e02dc7b.exe

Portuguese (Portugal): windows6.1-kb972813-x64-pt-pt_f8310aa4a73841aec29b3f4e74ecaece56b695e9.exe

Romanian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-ro-ro_810f2d590dd5aac92561eea5884ed1c70f34dbd9.exe

Russian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-ru-ru_f0acfc688d609ee45d43cc60c6412a3071a665bd.exe

Serbian (Latin): windows6.1-kb972813-x64-sr-latn-cs_275e0a17cbec543aa1bd7eebc883a1d21c11b514.exe

Slovak: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-sk-sk_15f397de2ceaaff8dbfe670bcc6c013791a297c3.exe

Slovenian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-sl-si_8cfc82e0d15ed94634d3da69674008dc56755b93.exe

Spanish: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-es-es_2e593c26d9e23ad8176224a53c68a04f996ee014.exe

Swedish: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-sv-se_1f4c415e0f4ca77064d597975f6ac7a9e0b8af63.exe

Thai: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-th-th_080c8631d44a53c34ffdab8fd73820572dd87be4.exe

Turkish: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-tr-tr_6bd6660158289e0b5d4b5a7f7fded6e3528a9a04.exe

Ukrainian: windows6.1-kb972813-x64-uk-ua_c6c4e44c9d903049a4c60fed9d42effa18f345bd.exe

After downloading the Windows 7 language packs, run the .EXE executable file to extract the .CAB language pack (LP) cabinet file. Then, follow the guide to install language pack in Windows 7, and guide to change display language on Windows 7 user interface and welcome screen.

Download Windows 7 ISO (Official 32-bit and 64-bit Direct Download Links)

Below is an updated the compilation of official direct download links for various versions and editions of Windows 7 ISO images in various language combination. Microsoft typically does not provide official downloads for Windows 7 operating system, neither through HTTP nor through P2P file sharing such as BT (BitTorrent). So how’s the official direct download links of Windows 7 come about?

Various web-based online storefronts and retailers (e.g. Digital River) sell Windows 7 licenses, and to fulfill the orders, the online stores host and provide digital downloads of Windows 7 setup installation files in the form of ISO image, which can then be unpacked and extracted, or used to mount on virtual drive and burnt to a DVD media disc to clean install Windows 7 on a blank PC or upgrade a system from existing operating system.

Here’s a list of available direct download links for Windows 7 ISOs. As not all editions of Windows 7 is sold online, and not all language versions is sold online, only a few editions or language versions of Windows 7 ISO images’ download links are available.

Windows 7 Professional x64 (64-bit)

English: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65805/X15-65805.iso

German: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65813/X15-65813.iso

French: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65811/X15-65811.iso

Spanish: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65843/X15-65843.iso

Windows 7 Professional x86 (32-bit)

English: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65804/X15-65804.iso

German: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65812/X15-65812.iso

French: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65810/X15-65810.iso

Spanish: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65842/X15-65842.iso

Windows 7 Home Premium x64 (64-bit)

English: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65733/X15-65733.iso

German: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65741/X15-65741.iso

French: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65738/X15-65739.iso

Spanish: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65771/X15-65771.iso

Windows 7 Home Premium x86 (32-bit)

English: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65732/X15-65732.iso

German: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65740/X15-65740.iso

French: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65738/X15-65738.iso

Spanish: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65770/X15-65770.iso

Windows 7 Enterprise [English 60 Days Trial] – Source]

32-bit (x86): 7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_enterprise_en-us_EVAL_Eval_Enterprise-GRMCENEVAL_EN_DVD.iso

64-bit (x64): 7600.16385.090713-1255_x64fre_enterprise_en-us_EVAL_Eval_Enterprise-GRMCENXEVAL_EN_DVD.iso

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (64-bit)

[Unofficial] English:

Windows 7 Ultimate x86 (32-bit)

[Unofficial] English:

Windows 7 N Version Direct Download Links [Windows 7 N English for Europe - No Windows Media Player (WMP12)]

Windows 7 Home Premium N x86 (32-bit): http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X16-13457/X16-13457.iso

Windows 7 Home Premium N x64 (64-bit): http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X16-13459/X16-13459.iso

Windows 7 Professional N x86 (32-bit): http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X16-13548/X16-13548.iso

Windows 7 Professional N x64 (64-bit): http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X16-13550/X16-13550.iso

Note: Use download manager to ensure proper download as the file size is bigger than 2GB. All ISOs above contains Windows 7 RTM build version 6.1.7600.16385.

Tip 1: To convert an installed Windows 7 to another language, download Windows 7 language packs and install.

Tip 2: To enable selection of Windows 7 edition to install during setup, uses ei.cfg Removal Utility.

Tip 3: Use Windows 7 ISO Image Edition Switcher to change edition of a Windows 7 ISO.


luni, 26 aprilie 2010

Conectare router wireless la Huawei Smartax MT882

Modem Huawei Smartax MT882 venit de la Clicknet – acest device nu este doar un modem este si un router din aceasta cauza pentru cine nu vrea net wireless dar doreste sa puna mai multe calculatoare pe aceeasi conexiune poate sa o faca cu un simplu switch care nu costa mai mult de 40 – 50 de lei

Router wireless (aici merge orice fel de router wireless eu prezint doar conectarea cu Asus RT G32)

Modemul Huawei Smartax MT882 se seteaza dupa specificatiile venite in pachetul de la Romtelecom:

  • Userul, parola care o aveti pe contract

  • Campul VPI setat 0

  • Campul VCI setat 35

  1. Se conecteaza Huawei MT882 prin cablu de retea la calculator

  2. Deschideti browserul dvs. preferat si laadresa tastati apoi Enter

  3. Alegeti din meniu sectiunea BASIC apoi sub-sectiunea WAN (ca si in imaginea de mai jos)

  4. Completati ca si in imaginea de mai jos (userul si parola o gasiti pe contract)

  5. Apasati butonul Submit

In acest moment Routerul/Modemul Huawei va permite sa ca conectati la internet fara nici o alta setare pe calculator (implicit setarile de retea pe calculator accepta conexiuni cu IP dynamic)

Conectarea Routerului Wireless

  1. Se conecteaza routerul la calculator prin cablu de retea (atentie nu conectati inca routerul HUAWEI deoarece in acest moment Routerul HUAWEI si routerul Wireless au aceeasi adresa adica si va fi un conflict pe retea).

  2. Intrati iarasi in browser si tastati adresa .

  3. Veti fi rugati sa introduceti un User si o Parola (default pentru ASUS RT G32 este USER: admin, Password admin – totusi consultati manualul pentru a fi siguri)

  4. Dupa ce ati trecut cu success de autentificare se va deschide o pagina ca si in imaginea de mai jos:

  5. La campul WAN Connection Type selectati Automatic IP, apoi la campul Get the WAN IP automaticaly bifati Yes

  6. Apasati butonul Submit

In acest moment routerul se va conecta la Modem/Routerul HUAWEI. Atentie pentru a nu da conflict de IP-uri (amandoua device-uri au acelasi IP va trebui ca Routerul ASUS RT G32 sa primeasca un nou IP. Acest lucru este descris in pasii urmatori.

Schimbarea IP-ului la Routerul Asus RT G32

  1. Din pagina de configuratii al routerului selectati

  2. Sectiunea WAN-> Connection Type

  3. Completati campurile din pagina asa cum este aratat si in imaginea de mai jos

  4. Apasati butonul Submit.

Din setarile de mai sus Routerul Wireless va avea noua adresa iar subreteaua va lua adrese intre –

Dupa ce ati facut setarile de mai sus conectati cablul de retea ce pleaca din Huawei MT882 catre calculator la router in portul WAN. Apoi testati reteaua atat Wireless cat si prin cablu de retea (pornind din routerul Asus)

Daca aveti deja alte Routere Wireless pe care doriti sa le conectati trimiteti o serie de Print Screen-uri ale paginii de configuratie pe adresa blog @ nisi .  ro si voi incerca sa va ajut.

Pentru cei care inca nu au un Router recomand cu incredere urmatoarele produse:

Upgrade Vista to Windows 7

Haven’t you installed Windows 7 yet? It’s time to move on. Tons of positive reviews have been written on Windows 7 ever since the first beta was released back in January 2009.

One can give a number of reasons on why should a XP or Vista user upgrade to Windows 7. I will be focusing only on Vista to Windows 7 upgrade steps that you need to know before starting the actual upgrade process.


To check the Windows 7 compatibility with your system, please use Windows 7 upgrade advisor. Once you get green signal from Windows 7 upgrade advisor, follow the steps given below.

1. Insert your Windows 7 DVD in the optical (CD/DVD) drive. Click Install Now option once you see the screen. If you have disabled autorun, open the root of the DVD drive (Windows 7 DVD) and run setup.exe file.


You can also use an USB stick to install/upgrade to Windows 7. Refer install windows 7 from USB guide to install/upgrade Windows 7 from USB guide.

2. Once you run the setup, you will see two options:

* Check compatibility online

* Install Now


Since you have already verified the system compatibility using Windows 7 upgrade advisor, you can safely click Install Now button.

3. In the next screen, you will see two options:

* Go online to get the latest update for installation

* Do not get the latest updates for installation

install windows 7 go online option

If you have the latest version of Windows 7, then you need not to check for updates. You can select Do not check for updates if you wish to check for updates post upgrade process.

4. Accept the license agreement (I accept the license agreement) and click Next to continue the procedure.


5. In the next screen again you will see two options:

* Upgrade

* Custom


Here you need to select Upgrade option to upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 7. Click Next.

6. Once again, Windows will check for the compatibility and will generate the report. If Windows finds any compatibility problems, it will display the problem and will save the report to the desktop. If no incompatibilities are found, Windows 7 Setup will proceed without further interaction

From here onwards, you need to follow the default Windows installation procedure. You can refer Windows 7 installation procedure guide for more details.

Create Windows 7 Universal ISO With All Editions Selection On Install with ei.cfg Removal Utility

For Windows users who switch and upgrade from Windows Vista, one difference will be immediately noticeable when installing or upgrading to Windows 7, i.e. Install Windows 7 setup wizard no longer prompts or asks for user selection of which edition of the operating system to install. Instead, each Windows 7 DVD disc or Windows 7 ISO image will automatically install the preset specific edition which it’s confined to.

Although Microsoft does not provide an universal “one disc rules them all” Windows 7 installation media, however the function is indeed supported. User just need to delete and remove the ei.cfg from any Windows 7 ISO disc image to convert the image into universal disc of any edition Windows 7 installer.

For user who has the ISO image of Windows 7, and wish to make it an universal installer for any and all supported editions of Windows 7, as shown in illustration below, now has an easier way to modify the ISO. Instead of manually unpacking and extracting the content of ISO image (or copying files from DVD) to HDD, deleting the ei.cfg and then repacking or rebuilding installation files back into ISO to burn, user can now eliminate troublesome procedures by making use of “ei.cfg Removal Utility”.

Windows 7 Universal Disc Image to Install All Editions

The ei.cfg Removal Utility is a simple tool that will disable the ei.cfg from any Windows 7 ISO disc image, thereby converting the image into a “universal disc” that will prompt the user to select a preferred edition during setup. ei.cfg Removal Utility works directly to patch the ISO image, by toggling the deletion bit in the UDF file table to instruct the operating system to ignore and remove ei.cfg, or treat it as if it does not exist. Best of all, ei.cfg Removal Utility can reverse the patching to restore the ISO disc image to its original state when the tool is been used to apply on a disc image that previously been patched by the utility.

ei.cfg Removal Utility is a standalone portable app, and thus no installation required. In fact, the program does not have much user interface. After selecting the target Windows 7 ISO, the disc image will be patched right away. So make sure a copy of ISO backup is done.

Download ei.cfg Removal Utility: eicfg_removal_utility.zip


Windows 7 ISO x86 and x64 Official Direct Download Links (Ultimate, Professional and Home Premium)

Many licenses of Windows 7 operating system is now been sold purely online, with the software product delivered entirely via Internet through electronic software distribution (ESD) channel. Customers can digitally download the Windows 7 installation files from online store from which they purchased Windows 7 to clean install on blank PC or upgrade existing installed OS.

Previously, the electronic downloads of Windows 7 setup files are available in a “box” format, which comprised of an starter executable, setup1.box and setup2.box (32-bit Windows 7 installation files and 64-bit Windows 7 installation files), which cannot be burned to DVD disc directly or mount to a virtual DVD-ROM drive. User must first goes through the process to create a bootable Windows 7 DVD ISO image from these downloaded Windows 7 installation files.

Microsoft has been providing Windows 7 ISO (disc image of Windows 7 DVD) to its customers with a time-limited ever-changing dynamic download links. And various online stores such as Amazon and Digital river have started to provide much sought after Windows 7 ISO downloads for their customers. The direct download links provided by various online stores are static, so it becomes the only publicly available official direct download links and sources for Windows 7 ISO which can be used to download by everybody.

Thanks to Ken and REZ, My Digital Life has complete listing of Windows 7 ISO direct download links, as listed below. The Windows 7 ISO image is of RTM build 6.1.7600.16385, and should be the same with leaked Windows 7 ISO image from MSDN/TechNet subscription download.

Hint: It’s recommended to use a download manager to download Windows 7 ISO as the file size typically more than 2GB and some download server terminates connection after a period of time. If you’re a customer, just login to your account to trigger the built-in download manager or file transfer manager.

Windows 7 ISO Direct Download Links


32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate x86 ISO


64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate x64 ISO


32-bit Windows 7 Home Premium x86 ISO

Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65732/X15-65732.iso

64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium x64 ISO

Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65733/X15-65733.iso

32-bit Windows 7 Professional x86 ISO

Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65804/X15-65804.iso

64-bit Windows 7 Professional x64 ISO

Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65805/X15-65805.iso

The ISO images above are in English language. Download Windows 7 MUI language packs (x86 or x64 versions) to convert and translate installed Windows 7 to another language.

To create a universal Windows 7 any edition installation DVD ISO, follow the guide to delete ei.cfg with ei.cfg Removal Utility.

How to Disable and Turn Off Aero Peek at Desktop in Windows 7

In Windows 7 with Aero enabled, Aero Peek feature, also known as Desktop Preview, will also be enabled and turned on, where all windows is temporarily hidden in order to show the desktop for user’s viewing when user moves the mouse pointer to hover over the Show Desktop small rectangle button at the end of the Taskbar.

When the open windows are hidden, only outlines or borders of all windows are shown, allowing users to peek behind all open windows to see the desktop.

For Windows 7 users who don’t need the Aero Peek feature, here’s how to disable and turn off Aero Peek.

  1. Right click on blank space on Taskbar, and click Properties.

  2. In the “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties” dialog, make sure that Taskbar tab is selected.

  3. Uncheck or untick the Use Aero Peek to preview the desktop option.

    Disable Aero Peek

  4. Click OK or Apply.

It’s also possible to turn off and turn on Aero Peek via Show Desktop button bar:

  1. Right click on the Show Desktop small rectangle button on the far right end of the Windows 7 Taskbar.

  2. Click on Peek at desktop option on the context menu so that the tick next to it disappears to disable Aero Peek.

    Disable Peek at Desktop

Alternatively, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> System, and click on Advanced system settings link on the left pane.

  2. In “System Properties” dialog box, make sure it’s on Advanced tab.

  3. Click on Settings button under Performance section.

  4. In “Performance Options” dialog box, make sure it’s on Visual Effects tab.

  5. Untick and uncheck the Enable Aero Peek option.

    Turn Off Aero Peek in Windows 7

    Note: System will automatically select “Custom” radio button, if the advanced configuration has never been customized before.

  6. Click OK or Apply.

More Windows 7 tips and tricks or usage guides.

Download Office Outlook 2010 Hotmail Connector (x86 and x64)

Outlook Connector (or Outlook Hotmail Connector) is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook which allows user to access, sync and manage Windows Live Hotmail email messages, People contacts, calendars and groups from within Outlook. Outlook Hotmail Connector is been updated with every new version of Office Outlook been released. The old version of Outlook Connector cannot be used with Outlook 2010 released as part of Office 2010.

To connect to Hotmail emails, contacts, calendar, events, or Windows Live groups in Outlook 2010 final RTM which has the build version 14.0.4763.1000, an updated Outlook Connector for Office 2010 has to be downloaded and installed.

Tip: For users who just want to download emails from Hotmail to Outlook, Outlook Connection is optional and not necessary, as Hotmail now provides free POP3 and SMTP support.

Download Outlook Connector for Office 2010

32-bit (x86): 14.0.4763.1000_OlkConnectorPack_none_ship_x86_en-us.exe

Size: 15,280,736 byte

SHA1: 1A273EAD4F826E643026AE3D13BCE846E8FC419F

MD5: AE0610E83FF246CAFB9B0187460EBB51

CRC: 54D934D8


Outlook Hotmail Connector for Office 2010

During the installation, there will be several errors saying the Outlook Social Connector is only for Office 2007 and 2003 only. Ignore the error as the Outlook Social Connect is already built-into Office 2010.

Personalizare Windows 7 – Pachet teme OEM

Nu am mai prezentat sabloane/teme oficiale Windows 7 tocmai din februarie si cred ca a venit momentul sa o fac din nou. In articolul de astazi intra in vizor temele oficiale OEM ale diversilor producatori.

Temele au fost adunate si impachetate de catre un utilizator al forumului Windows 7 Center in octombrie anul trecut. De atunci, link-urile au tot disparut, urmand ca in acest moment sa reusesc sa salvez doar o parte din pachetele originale. Printre acestea se numara: Lenovo, Toshiba, Asus, Acer, Dell si HP.

Instalarea pachetelor se realizeaza urmand doi pasi simplii:

1. Executati fisierul OEM Wallpeper Install.exe (unde OEM poate fi Toshiba, Acer etc…winking

2. Exectuati fiserul OEM.themepack

Pentru a descarca fisierele necesare (intr-o singura arhiva), urmariti link-ul de mai jos (Skydrive):

Windows 7 OEM Theme Pack 2010


Personalizare Windows 7 – tema “Royal Blue” portata de pe Windows XP

Pentru nostalgicii lui Windows XP prezint astazi tema Royal Blue. Aceasta a fost portata de pe XP de catre unul din membrii DeviantArt (Satukoro). O puteti vedea in actiune in imaginea de mai jos

ROyal Blue Windows 7 theme

Daca v-a facut placere ce ati vazut, o puteti descarca, folositi link-ul de mai jos:

Download XP “Royal Blue” Theme pentru Windows 7

Instalarea presupune mutarea fisierelor dezarhivate in directorul “X:\Windows\Resources\Themes\” si selectarea noului sablon din meniul Personalize

Atentie insa, trebuie ca patch-ul uxtheme.dll sa fie aplicat.



Personalizare Windows 7 – teme custom/UXTheme Patcher

Chiar daca personal consider ca interfata Aero arata si bine si este si functionala, imi aduc aminte ca, la inceputurile XP-ului, sau chiar si la sfarsitul lui 98, eram impulsionat de o dorinta puternica de a personaliza interfata sistemului de operare. Chiar cu costul resurselor. Ba chiar printre primele pachete instalate dupa instalarea Windows XP se regasea Brico Pack – Vista Inspirat.

Windows 7 se poate bucura si el de acest tratament, dar anumite fisiere cheie trebuiesc modificate. Este vorba de:




Acestea se gasesc in “X:\Windows\System32\”. Exista si posibilitatea inlocuirii manuale, dar va recomand varianta automata cu ajutorul lui UXTheme Patcher. Ambele variante pot fi descarcate de mai jos:

Download UXTheme Patcher x86/32 bit

Download UXTheme Patcher x64/64 bit

Pentru doritori, pasii instalarii/folosirii sunt insirati mai jos:

0. Dezarhivati fisierul corespunzator sistemului de operare de mai sus (32 bit sau 64-bit)

1. Executati fisierul UniversalThemePatcher.exe cu drepturi de administrator (click dreapta - run as administrator) si selectati limba (engleza):

2. Apasati butonul OK, iar programul va verifica daca sistemul de operare are patch-ul efectuat sau nu. Va afisa informatiile intr-o fereastra:

3. Apasati Yes. Acum veti fi ajunge la interfata principala a programului. Apasati butonul Patch din dreptul fiecarui fisier.

4. Acum veti observa activarea butonului Restore, care va permite restaurarea fisierelor originale in caz de nevoie.

5. Restarteaza sistemul si vei putea folosi orice teme custom doresti pentru Windows 7.

6. Pentru a folosi o tema custom, trebuie sa copiezi fisierul .theme in directorul x:\windows\resources\themes . Acum faceti dublu click pe fisierul .theme iar tema va fi aplicata.

Un exemplu de tema custom aplicata gasiti mai jos:

Poarta numele de “Gel XP Blue” si poate fi descarcata de pe DeviantArt. Alte teme custom ar mai fi Azure sau PDC Longhorn (tot de pe DeviantArt).
